The movie begins with introduction of a young happy couple, Anoop (Nishan Naniah) and Anjali (Keerthy Menaka), working in Mumbai, who are deeply in love and are about to get engaged. Their happiness get destroyed when they get a phone call conveying that Anjali's mom Annamma (Seema) met with an accident in their home back in Kerala and is hospitalised. They take the next flight home. Here we are introduced to their home in Kerala, which is believed to be haunted with the soul of Geetha (Keerthy herself), twin sister of Anjali. The two decide to stay in the mansion and during that period, Anjali encounters several horrific encounters of a ghost which she believes to be Geetha. In the flash back scenes, we get to know that Anjali in her school times itself is in love with Anoop, and with the similarity in looks, at some occasions, Anoop himself gets confused between Geetha and Anjali while expressing his love. Like Anjali, Geetha too falls in love with Anoop which causes clash between sisters and eventually results in the suicide of Geetha by jumping off a rock to the sea. Being haunted by the ghost, Anoop seeks advice of Nakulan (Suresh Gopi) who introduces him to Dr Sunny Joseph, (Mohanlal) specialised in paranormal research and treatment. Then follows the events through which Sunny solves the mystery revolving around the haunted house and Geetha.