sanjunmenon Rank:Member Total Posts:500 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 26/Jan/2007 22:48:4
ALL THE BEST...BUT FIND SOME TIME All the best to Loadstar & Deepu for their examinations. Hope to hear from you as and when new films of Lalettan are released. I know and vote that Study is much important than any other things, including Lalettan movie. But we miss you both from the boat for a while because you are the torch bearers of this group. Keep in touch
deepu01 Rank:Member Total Posts:305 Location:India
Posted On: 28/Jan/2007 3:34:57
thanks sanju... thanks sanju...due to some personal problems I am taking a break...not for exams...I am working......
lodestar Rank:Member Total Posts:350 Location:India
Posted On: 27/Jan/2007 21:23:1
sure sanju sure sanju;;i will neverleave this site.
Deepu Deepu dont go i mean for many days. You need for this form. Come as soon as u can.... As u said i will wait for u in april may month....All the best....