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Who is making malayalam movie box office hits


  • premlal

    Total Posts:25
    Location:United Arab Emirates
  • Posted On: 17/Mar/2012 10:41:22
    Who is making malayalam movie box office hits
    Let all us be in the part of this discussion, I feel that media, especially Channels are one who is deciding whether a movie should be hit or flop. They have their own evaluators for preparing the review and previews and later put the marks. This refrain people from seeing the movie in theathers, whereas like olden days when their was no TV only advertising were in news papers, notice, wall posts and announcement. There was no any side support to make a movie hit or flop. Once any one see the channel report with negative remarks he will not spent money to see the movie in theater.

    With the movie evaluation program of 10 or 15 minutes makes a movie flop which is the effort of lot of technicians, actors and moreover the money and time spent beind it. Who cares......... I should say that producers should not give any advertisements or clipings to TV channels for them to make preview or review shows.

  • praveen

    Total Posts:209
  • Posted On: 17/Mar/2012 22:52:35
    You are right.. i agree..

    - Praveen
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