Lalettan was alone.... Lalettan was alone in the last round when the award committee was selecting the best actor award for the year 2005. The critics award winner dileep was no where near in the last round. So you can imagine the acting power of our dear lalettan....
suchitra Rank:Member Total Posts:99 Location:India
Posted On: 12/Feb/2006 23:27:14
no vijesh not in the last round..... from the beginning there was no other for opposing our lalettan.... it was said by Radha, Juri member
Yes Suji, Yes Suji, you are correct and I meant it was easy job for Jury members to declare him as the best actor.
judelal Rank:Member Total Posts:19 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 15/Feb/2006 1:2:14
awards critics award was given to dileep in sympathy as all what he has done in the past has not reached to the level for award. is their anyone to say other stars are not imitating lal's acting. some or what they are doing the same movements what lal has done in the past or doing now. should not campare lal with this dileep, jairam, suresh gopi. he is extremly at the heights..................