lodestar Rank:Member Total Posts:350 Location:India
Posted On: 22/Feb/2008 11:13:28
Friends .I m back Sorry for not keeping in touch with u all..since i was in my hostel...Dont get desp on watching the box office status of our laletan films..Laletan will force back with our sathyan's mega film.and there r many gud films for laletan.i think all of u know that.
Anyways..Let us make this site more active
praveen Rank:Member Total Posts:209 Location:Bahrain
Posted On: 24/Feb/2008 8:43:7
hi kiran, Welcome back, we are really missing all our old friends...[br][br]
- Praveen
hrishikesh Rank:Member Total Posts:145 Location:India
Posted On: 24/Feb/2008 23:24:2
Hi Kiran How r u? Missing hardcore fans like u. Nowadays the thread is not active..... we all together will have to make it active again.
lodestar Rank:Member Total Posts:350 Location:India