Hundreds of fans of popular Malayalam actor Mohanlal celebrated his appointment as Lieutenant-Colonel in the Territorial Army by taking out a march in the city and distributing sweets in Thiruvananthapuram on July 9.
Chief of Army Staff Deepak Kapoor conferred the honour on the actor at a function held at the Army Headquaraters in Delhi on that day. The actor’s fans in Thiruvananthapuram took out a march to celebrate the event and gathered near a theatre where his latest film Bhramaram was running.
Major Ravi, director of Keerthichakra and Kurukshetra, two films in which Mohanlal donned the role of an armyman, was also present to share the joy of the fans.
As a director, I am extremely happy at the honour bestowed on Mohanlal as I happen to be the factor that helped him get such a position as brand ambassador of the Army,” he said.